Mseti -- Manages a set of seti@home sessions. Version 0.7 -- Mseti is still under development. Author OS Linux and Unix. I think it would be easy to modify it run under windoze, feel free to give it a go. -- What is it ? -- mseti is a tcl/tk program to handle multiple seti@home sessions. Each seti@home session will run in turn until all the work units are done. -- Why was it written ? -- If you run seti@home from home, and you use a modem only every few days, then it is difficult to run multiple seti@home sessions, without resorting to cron jobs or some sort of tricky setup. mseti will manage a set of seti@home sessions for you. -- TBD -- Mext version (when I get the time and energy) will complete the Preferences and Help menus, which and do nothing (well not much anyway). Flags passed to setiathome executable need be set up to allow proxy server name to be entered. -- Setup -- download the mseti.tar.gz do the usual stuff i.e ... $ gunzip mseti.tar.gz $ tar xvf mseti.tar in the "mseti" directory is this README and mseti0.7 (by the way, you cannot read this unless you have done the above steps.. just a thought.. ) mseti looks in the child directories of the current directory for directories with the executable "setiathome" or a symbolic link to "setiathome". Work out the number of setiathome sessions you want to setup, and create a directory for each one (all under the one parent directory), then in each of these directories start the setiathome and download the first work unit, when they have been setup then run mseti0.7 (in the parent directory) The instructions are simple, press the "start" button to begin and press the "download" button to send the results to seti@home when you have your internet connection going. -------------------------- -- Using a proxy server -- -------------------------- If you have to use a proxy server, then edit mseti0.7 at line 735 .. 736 , change the lines ---- from ----- set seti_pid [exec $setidata($id,dirname)/setiathome \ -stop_after_xfer > /dev/null &] ---- to ----- set seti_pid [exec $setidata($id,dirname)/setiathome \ -proxy (insert your proxy) -stop_after_xfer > /dev/null &] Enjoy Chris McGowan