TclRobots Changes Version 1.0 August, 1994 (baseline) Version 2.0 February, 1996 -port to tcl7.4 and tk4.0, many small changes to widgets, bindings -scanner from robot now displays as arc -moved robot damage display from main window to each robot interpreter window -added color to damage display, yellow>50, orange>85, red=dead -more tweaking of shell damage area, % damage, drive parms -team play: team communication model added, declare/send/get -nowin option, run 5 times faster without display -allow 2-4 robot to compete in -nowin mode, results to results.out -moved icon bitmap from a /tmp file to an internal image -added cannon heat distortion effect, scanner goes blind with too many shells fired -change dialog to modified version of john's tk_dialog -more liberal argument processing, space not required -use "send -async" where appropriate -more insults for dead robots -perturb rand generator again for renamed commands -disable_robot lets robot interpreters update their windows