What is the Dotfile Generator ============================= The Dotfile Generator is a configuration tool, which configures the basic features, and even more exotic features of your favorite programs. With this release modules exist for configuring Bash, Fvwm1, Fvwm2, Tcsh, Emacs, Elm and Rtin. See a Demo ========== To see some screen dumps from the program, please refer to http://www.imada.ou.dk/~blackie/dotfile/demos.html Before you install the program, you can run it straight from the source directory. See the file INSTALL for a more detailed description of that part. Help ==== Help is bound to the right mouse button, so just click the right mouse button on something you want to know more about. See also the help which is available from the "Help" menu. More information ================ In the Doc subdirectory is located three articles concerning The Dotfile Generator in HTML format. It might be a good idea to visit the home page of The Dotfile Generator at: http://www.imada.ou.dk/~blackie/dotfile/ Here you can read more about each module. Copyright ========= The Dotfile Generator is GPL. For more information, please refer to the file COPYING, or the 'about' menu in the program Patches ======= Patches will be announced on The Dotfile Generators home page: http://www.imada.ou.dk/~blackie/dotfile/